We are an NHS practice and provide the full range of general medical and nursing care for our registered patients.
Nursing Care
Nursing clinics run Mondays and Thursdays. These clinics are predominantly for long term conditions/chronic disease reviews, e.g. asthma reviews, diabetic checks, etc., and for vaccinations.
Minor Illnesses
Our nurse practitioners are here on Mondays and Thursdays and are happy to see patients with pre-booked appointments. Most minor illness can be self-treated. Our clinical pharmacist is also trained in this area and can give advice on any medication. The nurse or doctors are always happy to give telephone advice, or see you in the surgery if symptoms persist or worse.
Long Term Conditions
The practice nurse reviews most long term conditions where the patient is stable, more complicated cases are referred to the GPs for assessment and appropriate action. If you have been diagnosed with one of the following conditions please come and see our nurse who will be able to offer advice and help:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Rheumatoid arthritis
Our nursing team carry out cervical screening and chlamydia screening for registered and non-registered patients
Maternity Services
We have first class midwifery services. The midwife will be able to offer help and support throughout your pregnancy to when your child is born and immediately afterwards. There are clinics each week in the surgery on a Tuesday and Thursday and appointments can be booked through reception.
Child Health
Please make an appointment with the doctor when your baby is 8 weeks old for a routine health check. When booking, please let the receptionist know that it is for your baby’s 8 week check and she will arrange for your baby to see the nurse afterwards to have his/her first set of injections. New mums should also make an appointment with the doctor around about this time for their own check-up.
Further details about immunisations can be obtained from the doctor or nurse or by clicking here.
Family Planning
Our GPs and nurses can give advice on contraception and can also give teenage pregnancy advice. Advice is also available on healthy eating and vitamins to take before conception to ensure your baby has the best possible start. Please make an appointment at reception. If you are having difficulty conceiving, please make an appointment to see one of our GPs for help and advice.
Coil and Implant services
We offer coil and implant services on site every Friday with Dr Rasul.
Blood Tests
Our GP Assistant (GPA) is a qualified phlebotomist and our registered patients have the benefit of having their blood test done at the practice at a time that is convenient to them without having to wait for weeks for appointments at the hospital.
Appointments are available on Monday to Friday mornings from 9:30am
NHS Healthchecks
Free NHS health checks are available to adults aged between 40 and 74. These are provided by our clinical team in 2 stages:
At the first appointment the GPA or practice nurse will ask questions about your lifestyle, record height, weight, blood pressure, pulse rate and conduct a simple fasting blood test to check cholesterol levels.
At the second appointment with the GP, these results are then discussed & relevant information and support for maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be available.